What it is
This procedure smooths out fine wrinkles and helps restore tone and firmness to your jawline and neck using sophisticated laser technology. Extraneous fat is removed and the PrecisionTx laser causes new collagen growth and subtle skin tightening over the course of a six month period to produce gradual and natural results.
Patients who would most benefit from laser-assisted liposuction are:
Patients under 40 years old who have subtle unwanted fullness along the jawline despite living an active and healthy lifestyle
Patients with supple skin who want a more defined jawline but who are not yet candidates for a facelift or who are unable to undergo a facelift due to medical or recovery concerns
The PrecisionTx laser utilizes leading edge technology to create bidirectional energy distribution and more focused targeting of tissue. Three tiny skin punctures (less than a quarter of an inch) are made behind the ears and under the chin. The laser is inserted underneath the skin and manipulated by our skilled surgeon. The heat from the laser stimulates the collagen in your face and neck—tightening any sagging skin and gradually improving the appearance of fine and deep lines. See a video demonstration.
Although the PrecisionTx is often marketed as a “laser facelift,” delivering results similar to that of a facelift, Dr. Yoo says this is not the case. There is currently no technology on the market that provides a nonsurgical alternative to surgery and misleading marketing can lead to unrealistic expectations. It is best to think of this as laser-assisted liposuction along the jawline.
Laser-assisted liposuction can be performed with oral sedation and tumescent numbing techniques or combined with additional procedures under general anesthesia.