
Reshapes the nose to be more aesthetically appealing. Can also reshape the structure of the nose to allow more comfortable breathing.



Elevates sagging facial tissues by tightening a fibromuscular layer below the skin. Makes the jawline and neck appear youthful and toned.



Eyelid surgery. Removes skin, fat, and, if necessary, muscle to reshape and rejuvenate the upper and lower eyelids.



Ear reshaping; surgery to improve the shape, proportion and placement of the ear.


Reconstructive Surgery

Surgery to restore natural function or to reconstruct key facial features following trauma or a disfiguring disease process.


Scar Revision

Surgery to "hide" facial scars or make them less conspicuous.


Endoscopic Forehead Procedures

"Scarless" removal of forehead masses including lipomas and osteomas.


Brow Lift

Elevates a sagging brow back to its youthful position.


Facial Contouring

Facial bone contouring to reshape the face, including malar reduction, forehead reduction or augmentation, mandibular angle reduction and facial feminization.


Mole Removal

Removal of moles and other conspicuous benign skin lesions to restore natural contour, texture and coloration.


Mohs Reconstruction

Repair of the defects that result from skin cancer removed via Mohs surgery.