Polly Want a Cracker?
Did you know that our facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sirius K. Yoo loves birds? Last night, he came to the rescue of a parakeet hanging out on the ground in front of a local grocery store. The bird is not afraid of humans and kept flying into the glass doors. We think it is someone's lost pet. With the help of the store's staff, Dr. Yoo got the bird into a paper bag with holes punched in it, purchased some birdseed and took him home.
At home, he immediately started eating the birdseed. Dr. Yoo noticed that his ankle is tagged. Hopefully, it will provide the identification necessary to locate his family.
Dr. Yoo converted his cat's carrier into a temporary shelter for the found bird. He may have been lost for a few days. He was very hungry, thirsty and tired.
UPDATE: We were not able to locate the parakeet's original family, but we have great news! A family that lives in Dr. Yoo's neighborhood adopted the bird. Now he has a little girl to play with as well as another pet bird.